Club Rules

Competition Rules

1. There will be one section for competition entries.

2. Open Print and Open Digital (DPI) competitions may be
included in the programme.

3 There will be MONTHLY, 2 HALF YEARLY, SPRING/AUTUMN competitions for prints and DPI’s

4. A member may enter a maximum of 4 prints and 4 DPI’s in a monthly competition a maximum of6 prints or
6 DPI’s in a Half Yearly Competition.

5. The maximum size for prints, either black or white or colour is 40cm x 50cm including mount. The minimum size for all prints is
6.5” x 8.5”. For enprint competitions only the maximum size is 7 x 5 and must be from the full frame. No after work is allowed.

6. Open competitions will be the same as Monthly competitions that is, items may be entered in the next Periodic competition.
Maximum sizes as in Rule 5 unless otherwise specified.

7. A4 x 2 print competition : 2 images on 1 40cm x 50cm board OR 2 images on individual smaller boards still making 40cm x
Maximum of 3 entries per author.

8, Triptych Panel: A panel of 3 images or 1 image split into three. Each image should have individual merit and correlate to the other images in panel. They can be set
vertically or horizontally on a mount board of 40cm x 50cm maximum. The images may be of same size or different size but typically the centre image is usually larger and
the main feature but this is left to the photographer's own discretion and artistic interpretation.

9. All entries in the HALF YEARLY Annual competitions must have been entered in a monthly competition held prior to the HALF
YEARLY Annual and within the same year.

10. No digital or print may be entered in more than one Monthly competition. After entry digitals and prints may not be changed.

11. Prints entered in competitions may be trade or self processed by the member submitting the entries, including negative process.

12. All images entered must be the Author’s own work, this includes compilation images.

13. Judging at Monthly competitions will be by popular vote (ie a show of hands) plus marking by 3 Advanced member Judges with
comments by an advanced member after voting has taken place. Each member will be allowed one vote in each section only.
Voting for the same image twice will not be allowed except in the case of a tie. Voting for one’s own image is also not allowed.

14. Judging at Periodic, Annual and Open competitions will be by an invited judge.

15. Any print or digital may be proposed for selection for inter-club competitions at the request of any Selection Panel member.

16. Selection Panel Members will select prints and digital's for inter-club competitions.

17. All competition PRINT entries, except annuals, must have a 'DIGITAL COPY' of the print image sent to the Digital Secretary one week before competition night.
DPI’s are required one week in advance or at the discretion of the DPI Secretary.

18. All entries for the Annual competitions must be handed to the Competition Secretary on, or before, the date given by the print and DPI Secretaries.

19. All prints must be mounted in accordance with the common practice adopted by Camera Clubs generally. Prints may be flush or
window mounted or stuck to a mount board, largest size to be 40x50cm. As other prints can be severely damaged by being next to
a poorly mounted print, the Club Print Secretary will make the decision as to whether prints are accepted for competition or declined.
The Club Print Secretary may ask for a second opinion from the Chairman.

20. Any work submitted for a monthly competition may only be submitted in one format. For example, images entered as a colour print
cannot be subsequently entered as a black and white print or digital. If other media of the work exists then they may be requested
for use in outside competitions.

21. Digital images must be submitted in JPG format no later than one week prior to the competition. Entrants understand that Romford
Camera Club will retain copies of entries as historical archive and for future competition entries. Copyright remains with the original